Worthy Faithful Navigators and Brother Sir Knights,
I had sent all of you an e-mail message as soon as I was made aware of the change to the 4th Degree Regalia. I also stated that I would let you know of any further details / guidelines when I received them. There was the general feeling at the Supreme Convention that there would be discontent, etc. when this change was released on Tuesday. Much to all of our surprise the VSM’s wore their new uniforms to Mass each day (Tues, Wed & Thurs) to showcase them to all. Just FYI, effective 9/1/17, I must wear the uniform, just as will the other DM’s and VSM’s across the Order.
By advising you as soon as I could as to the change, etc., I was hoping that we could work together until I received the guidelines for use, etc. However, what I did not expect was the unnecessary negative comments from some of you, the Faithful Navigators, that I had asked to work with me until I could relay further information. There are Brother Sir Knight’s e-mailing the Supreme Office directly voicing their discontent, yes from NC!
There are guidelines coming, when I do not know, however I would expect soon. There is an effective date for the complete changeover, that I have not been made aware of as yet. I can add nothing further as to the use of regalia, tuxedo’s, etc. for the future.
I requested information re: wearing tuxedo’s for the upcoming 4th Degree Exemplification in Asheville and was advised a dark suit would be acceptable, no blazers and slacks of different colors. so if you have a candidate(s) for the Exemplification in Asheville, you can advise them of this update as to the dress code change. I will make sure the change is posted on the State Website.
I arrived home from the Supreme Convention late yesterday evening to find all services: telephone, internet and TV down. It was repaired late this evening only because there was a serviceman in the area, otherwise I would have had to wait until Wed AM for repair, meaning I would not be able to communicate until then.
I realize you are probably also getting hammered with many questions, so please continue to relay the above information until further guidance is received. Yes, this is a big hit for all of us, my DM Regalia is just a year old in September. I would also ask that you try to remain positive as this change goes forward and I will relate the Supreme Knight’s comment, “This change is here to stay”.
I appreciate all your efforts and look forward to meeting with you at your various Assembly Meetings in the near future.
Jack Murray, PSD
NC District Master