Category: Faith Featured:

Program Purpose

Encourage deep personal encounters with Christ through Eucharistic adoration in the form of Holy Hours and Eucharistic Processions. As Catholics, we believe in the Real Presence: that Jesus Christ is truly present – body, blood, soul, and divinity – in the Eucharist. As such, we are compelled to grow in our devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and to share His presence with the world.

Program Overview

Holy Hours feature the exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and can also include a reflection, communal rosary, prayers for intercession by Blessed Michael McGivney or St. Joseph, and other devotions as decided by the council and pastor. Eucharistic Processions provide an opportunity to walk with the Blessed Sacrament through your community, bringing Jesus to everyone along the route.

Program Requirements

Councils are required to hold at least four Holy Hours (quarterly) or organize and support two Holy Hours and at least one Eucharistic Procession. Report activity using the Program Report Form (#10784).

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