Category: Life Featured:

Tim Hall

Program Purpose

Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose (SR) program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.  The Silver Rose has historically come to North Carolina during May each year, usually from Tennessee or Virginia and passed on to South Carolina.

In 2024, the Silver Rose will be in North Carolina from April 28th until May 25th.  The Silver Rose State Chairman will work with the DD’s and RDD’s to assist in deciding timing and councils involved.  It is the DD’s responsibility, together with the Councils’ GK’s to accept the handoff, secure the SR, coordinate a Mass with rosary service for respect life with the parish pastor, ensure formal handoffs between councils in the district, and finally to hand off the SR to another DD’s council.  Note that the SR, if routed through NC, will not pass through all districts and may not be passed through all councils within a district, based on the timing that the SR would be available.

A Mass with rosary and prayers for Respect Life is an important part of the ceremony at each council parish accepting the SR, as well as private veneration.  After the Mass, parish congregation refreshments and social time, perhaps with video shown of the KofC SR program, could be added to the experience.  Resources are available through the Knights of Columbus Supreme website:

Program Overview

There are typically 5 Silver Roses making a pilgrimage from Canada to Mexico through the United States each year, from early March through mid-December, stewarded by Knights in Councils along the way.  Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Program Requirements

As a Council, it is a requirement to steward the SR along the journey from the receiving Council to the accepting Council and to hold a prayer service, preferably with the rosary recited, in conjunction with a Mass or as a separate service.  There are pamphlets and other materials to assist in conducting the service as indicated above.  Oftentimes, these pamphlets accompany the SR to you and all unused materials (even those your Council orders) should be passed to the next Council.

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