CHARLOTTE COUNCIL NUMBER 770 IS THE OLDEST COUNCIL IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Charlotte Council 770 received its charter on June 7, 1903. At that time, North Carolina had less than 2 million people, 217 textile mills and 101 tobacco factories in operation. The state was nearly all Baptists and the average family wage was less than $1000 per year. This was a time of adventure and a time of beginnings. The first radio transmission experiments were successful by Reginold Fessenden from Roanoke Island to Cape Hatteras and Cape Henry, Va. The first mass produced automobiles, Ransom Olds, finished 1500 Oldsmobiles and the state’s first automobile registration took place in Charlotte, NC. in 1903. In December, 6 months after the Council 770 charter date, Orvile Wright flew the first power-driven airplane at Kill Devil Hills. The State passed the first child labor laws and Booker T. Washington spoke at the State Fair. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, with its 200 members was the center of Catholic Life for the first ten years in Charlotte. Under the leadership of the First Grand Knight, James W. Conway, the first clubroom for Council 770 was in O’Donoghue Hall (1903-1919) which was part of St. Peter’s Church. After World War I, the Supreme Council gave one of their army huts from Camp Green to the Charlotte Council 770 (1919-1929). This was moved to behind St. Peters Church in the center of Charlotte and served till 1929. To mark the Councils 25th anniversary in 1928, a banquet was held at the Chamber of Commerce. Two representative from Supreme and Bishop William J. Hafey of Raleigh were present for the occasion. The council grew from the original 40 members to over 200 by that time. In 1929 a home was purchased on West Seventh Street and was converted into a club house (1929-1953). In 1953, Council 770 purchased a track of 140 ! acres near Mint Hill and build a $50,000 Club House that was dedicated on October 11, 1953. The present brick club house on East Kingston Avenue was built and opened with a New Year’s Eve dance on December 31, 1971. The present club house has been the center of Council 770’s activities for the past 30 years. Council 770 Knights were a key part of; (1) forming of the North and South Carolina Council in 1911, (2) Forming the North Carolina State Council in 1921, led by former Grand Knight, “Dad Linthicum”, (3) Forming the present Charlotte Assembly 780 Fourth Degree in 1923, (4) Contributing Membership Growth to Charlotte Councils 7343, 7450, 9560, 10505, 10852, 11102, and, (5) Sponsoring Growth of Charlotte and surrounding Assemblies 2208, 2531 and 6451 in Hickory among others. In addition to fostering much of the Catholic growth in Charlotte, numerous priests, third degree and fourth degree community and state leaders have come from 770 over the past 100 years. No priest contributed as much as Msgr. John P. Manley, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church and local chaplain and state chaplain for nearly 10 years. In 2002, the Council took its name sake and honored the first Bishop of Charlotte, and is now the Bishop Michael J! . Begley, Council 770. As a pillar of the community, the Knights of Council 770 have lead, sponsored or enthusiastically participated in nearly every project devoted to the needy; including: helping Catholic Families in need, scholarships for children, rebuilding churches, funding and fixing the homeless shelters and the shelter for abused women and children, building over 100 ramps for the handicapped, running the Tootsie Roll drive (Operation LAMB) for the mentally handicapped, donating wheel chair vans to the Holy Angels Nursery, and housing refugees in the Charlotte area. Thanks mostly to the bingo games, the total donations to charity from the Knights of Columbus of Council 770 is over $1,000,000. In addition to the service programs, the Knights have a lot of fun together with the Monthly Social meetings, Weekly bingo games, Holy Angel boat rides, Weekly Golf Club outings, State Golf Tournaments, Weekly Bowling outings, Columbus Day celebrations; Communion Breakfasts, Valentine Day Dinner Dances, The free Throw Contests, State Bowling Contests, Mother’s Day dinner, and attending the State Knights of Columbus Meetings. The Charter Members for Council 770 in 1903 were; First Friar and Rev. Francis Meyer, O.S.B., Rev. Joseph Mueller, O.S.B., Dr. D. O’Donoghue, John Martin, Chas. J. Eaglesfields, Geo. J. Williams, John B, Crowley, Harry W. Webber, Morrison J. Williams, Thomas T. Northy, Richard Jas. Northy, Henry Wellhouse, Jr., Leo Wellhouse, John J. Conroy, James W. Conway, Timothy C. Toomery, William Wade Kidd, James W. Rea, Thos. E. Rea, George M. Meyer, Joseph Leo Webber, William J. Malone, Chas, W. Gallagher, E. J. Gauhn, Joseph B. Gauhn, S. Paul Danley, C.S. Renz, John F. Williams, C.W. Williams, W. V. Dall, Harold S. Hall, Cornelius M. Phelan, John Phelan Kidd, Clarence W. Wetter, Theo. M. Foley, Joseph G. Foley, Robert C. Springer, George G. Fleming, William O’Donoghue, Chris J. Sebastian. The Supreme Knight, Edward L. Hearn signed the Charter on June 7, 1903. The Past Grand Knights are as follows: J.W. Conway (1903-04), Paul P. Hanley (1905), Harold S. Hall (1906), C. A. Williams, Sr. (1907-08), M.J. O’Neill (1909-10), Warren V. Hall (1911-12), J.J. Breen (1913), C.H. O’Neill (1914-15), J.W. Barry, (1915-16), J. A. Schachner, Sr., (1916-17), Thomas E. Rea, Sr. (1917-19), Egar L. Pennell (1919-21), Melvin I. Benner (1921-23), Thomas F. Walsh (1923-24), James J. Montague (1924-26), Barrett Harris (1926-27), John J. Cantwell (1927-28), C. A. Williams, Jr. (1928-30), TEE. Clark (1930-31), William J. Spain (1931-34), Dennis J. Dun (1934-37), Leo H. Phelan, Sr. (1937-39), Charles H. Morris, (1939-41, 42-43), F. C. Markwalter (1941-42), George L. Gettier (1943-46), M. Leo Lacy (1946-48), Louis N. Minnick (1948-49), Joe F. Schachner (1949-50), Leo H. Phelan, Jr. (1950-52, 56), Herman J. Hoose (1952-54), William B. Rea (1955), James N. Kerns (1957-58), Cam LeFrancois (1959-60), George Balog (1961-62), John B. Balas (! 1963-65), J. Eugene Fairley (1965-67), Ernest R. Vaillancourt (1967-68), Robert M. Skurla (1968-71), George M. Kutcher (1971-73, 79-80, 87-88), Edward H. Cannon (1973-75), Charles M. Smith, Jr. (1975-77), Paul F. Juneau (1977-78), Charles F. McCollum (1978-79), Joseph P. Gotta (1980-82), Harold Sheppard (1982-84), Lee Reinhardt (1984-86), Gerald Calvasina (1986-87), Authur A. Turner (1988-90), Clarence Hubbard (1990-92), Marve Wyniemko (1992-93), Gerald H. Kolb (1993-96), Charles Malinowski (1996-97), Joseph J. Hunt, Sr., (1997-99), William Phieffer (1999-2000), Robert Winiarski (2000-02). The oldest living Past Grand Knight is William Rea. The Current Officers of Council 770 are: Randall Vaca- Grand Knight, Richard Kelly- Deputy Grand Knight, Joseph F. Kenney- Financial secretary, Joseph Gotta- Treasurer, John Thompson- Chancellor, Jeff Ledbetter- Warden, Bob Wilusz- Recorder, John Ciepierski- Inside Grard, Thieh-Weah Manneh- Outside Guard, George Kutcher- 3 Year Trustee, Bob Skurla- 2 Year Trustee, William Pheiffer- 1 Year Trustee, Jerry Kolb- Advocate and Father Conrad Hoover- Chaplain. We pledge that we will continue this great legacy of the Charlotte Knights of Columbus of Council 770 , so help us, God.