Planning Meeting: 3rd Mon / 7:30 PM
Business Meeting: Officers 1st Monday / 7:00 PM
Piedmont council received its charter from the Supreme Council on November 24, 1904. The
charter Grand Knight was William M. McCormick;
R. D. Douglas, Deputy Grand Knight; Henry Rentz, Financial Secretary; J. J. McSorley, Recorder
and Charles D. Higgins, Treasurer. The charter chaplain was Father Vincent G. Taylor.
The council meets at the Knight’s Club, 2780 Horsepen Creek Road, Greensboro. When first
organized the council would meet at the Elks Club in Greensboro. When the council was formed all
54 male parishioners of St. Benedict’s Church formed the nucleus of the council. One of their
first acts was to establish a scholarship fund for the youth of the area.
The Piedmont council over the years assisted in establishing councils in Burlington, High
Point, Winston-Salem and at St. Mary’s and St. Pius X churches in Greensboro. Two members of the
council started the
“Teen Talent Award Show” in the 1960’s. The show is jointly sponsored by Piedmont council and
the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Youth Division.
This council has a been a major contributor to the North Carolina State L. A. M. B. project
which assist the mentally retarded throughout the State of North Carolina. The council now has
over 500 members and continues to grow.